Kähler Signature Vase


Kähler Signature Vase


Kähler is a classic Danish art ceramics company founded in 1839 that has been at the cutting edge of Danish ceramic art for more than one hundred years. Today, Kähler takes the best from their artistic ceramic heritage and interprets it in a contemporary light via artist and designer series. This vase, part of the Signature Collection series, was created by the design duo Meyer-Lavigne and made from stoneware honoring the Kähler tradition. The vase’s signature feature is a removable ceramic plate with holes inspired by the lotus plant’s seed stand, which makes it possible to arrange flowers exactly as you like them.  

Product Details


Size and Fit

 7.9” H x 6.5” W x  6.5” D 


Care instructions 

Not dishwasher safe. 

Wipe clean with a dry cloth. 

Shipping Details 

Please allow 5-7 days for standard delivery.

Return Policy

This item is available for return within 15 days of receipt.

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