Mark D. Sikes Signature Basket

Mainly Baskets Home

Mark D. Sikes Signature Basket


Mainly Baskets Home is dedicated to crafts made of rattan and the ancient and beloved process of weaving known as wicker. Inspired by antique and vintage designs, as well as talented collaborators and skilled artisans, these pieces share a sense of both quality and timelessness. A collaboration with renowned designer Mark D. Sikes, the Signature Basket was designed with his own country home in mind. We love it as decor, but also as an elegant solution for laundry, storage, and so much more.

Product Details

Natural rattan. Made in the Philippines.

Size and Fit

22" DIA x 24" H (handles: 3" L)

Care Instructions

Spot clean. Natural rattan is not suitable for outdoor use. Rain and direct sunlight affect the finish over time. To preserve its original color and beauty, avoid exposure to the sun. Avoid putting undue stress (like standing or kneeling) on wicker rattan. If you need to clean your item, vacuum the rattan weaves periodically using a soft brush attachment or comb the surface with a soft bristle brush. For a deeper clean, wipe down with a damp cloth, ensuring the product is completely dried afterwards.

Shipping Details

Please allow 2-8 weeks for standard delivery of items in stock. Items that are made to order will arrive in 17-19 weeks.

Return Policy

This item is final sale and not available for return.

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